simplicity. flavour. individuality & spontaneity

the Daily changing menu at Willis Wine Bar Paris

Willi's Wine Bar offers seasonal bistrot cooking

Having been Chef at Willi’s for four decades, François Yon retired in june 2021. He passed the baton to his (very worthy) team who, tirelessly and inventively, continue in the same vein of traditional and delicious simplicity.

This is the essence of every dish to come out of the kitchen, be it the best linguini you’ll ever fail to make yourself, roasted Guinea-fowl so crispy it’s painful or Vitello Tonnato so fantastic even the Italians love it.

The menu changes daily — there is no guarantee the Guinea Fowl will be available ! The only thing we can guarantee with certainty is that your food will be traditional, flavourful, original, and made with the very best ingredients. No. Messing. About.